What do we mean by Aromatherapy?
(I promise to be brief...)
Aromatherapy is the discipline concerning the study and use of essential oils and their action on different planes of living beings, physical, psychic and subtle/vibrational.
Practical aromatherapy is defined as the use of essential oils in everyday and immediate need (e.g., a sunburn) or use for pleasurable purposes.
Applied aromatherapy is the conscious use of o.e. for therapeutic purposes as prevention and support. In this case, very important are scientific studies and clinical cases that allow to know molecular composition, interactions and dilutions in order to ensure maximum safety in their use.
Psychoaromatherapy (a term coined by R. Tisserand) is concerned with the impact of essential oils on the psyche and unbalanced states of mind.
Subtle/vibrational aromatherapy, in this area it is the frequencies of essential oils (detected through the use of the instrument invented by scientist Bruce Tanio) that act on the individual's emotional and spiritual area, energy centers and subtle bodies.
In-depth books:
Naturopathic Aromatherapy (Luca Fortuna)
Psicoaromaterapia (Sandra Perini)